Top Nepali Myths | Popular Myths in Nepal | Funny Nepalese Myths

“If you get a white spot on your fingernail then you’ll get something new. (नंग् फुल्यो भने केही नयाँ कुरा पाइन्छ।)” Sounds familiar? Yeah, if you’re from Nepal, you must have heard it everywhere. Like the one mentioned, there are many other Nepali sayings that we’ve been hearing a lot from our family and friends for ages. These things are so well-spread that they almost make us believe if they are true, at least in our childhood. These sayings are far from being true since they don’t have any scientific or proven reasonings. So, they are nothing but myths. So, this post is all about those false Nepali beliefs that have been passing over from generation to generation and still, there’s no sign of stopping. Now, let’s take a look at the list of most popular Nepali myths.

Popular Myths in Nepal | False Beliefs Prevailing in Nepalese Society

  1. White spot on your fingernail signifies getting a new thing very soon. (नंग् फुल्यो भने केही नयाँ कुरा पाइन्छ।)
  2. If you bump your head with someone else’s head accidentally, you should bump again. If you don’t bump twice thentyou’ll gwt a headache. (एक चोटि मात्र टाउको ठोकायो भने टाउको दुख्छ।)
  3. If you don’t blow your fingers after touching your neck, then you’ll get a Goiter. (घाँटी छोएर फु फु गरेन भने गलगाँड आउँछ।)
  4. Whistling inside the house is an open invitation to the ghost. (घरभित्र शुसेल्यो भने भुत आउँछ।)
  5. If the crow comes to your house and tweets then you’re likely to get a visitor or a new message. (काग करायो भने कि पाहुना आउँछन् कि नयाँ समाचार सुनिन्छ।)
  6. If the wood fire in the kitchen starts producing continuous Burr sound, then you’ll get a visitor at your house. (आगो भर्भरायो भने पाहुना आउँछन्।)
  7. You shouldn’t ask “where are you going?” to someone who’s going out. (हिँड्न लागेको बेला कसैले “कहाँ जान लागेको?” सोध्यो भने अपसगुन हुन्छ।)
  8. Seeing an empty vessel or the slipper or shoe’s sole is a bad sign. (रित्तो भाडा देख्नु अपसगुन हो।)
  9. If bird shits on you then it’ll be a good sign. (चराले हग्दिए सगुन लाग्छ।)
  10. If a black cat crosses your way then it’s a bad sign. (कालो बिरालोले बाटो काट्यो भने दिन बिग्रन्छ।)
  11. If a snake or mouse crosses your way then you should wait until someone else passes or roll a stone before you or spit on the place and go. (न्याउरी मुसो वा सर्पले बाटो काटे पहिला अरू कसैलाई जान दिने, वा आफु अघि ढुंगा गुडाउने, वा थुकेर मात्र हिड्ने।)
  12. If your left-palm itches then you’re likely to receive money from someone. But if your right-palm itches then you’re likely to hit someone. (देब्रे हात चिलायो भने पैसा पाइन्छ, दाहिने हात चिलायो भने अरूलाई कुट्न पाइन्छ।)
  13. Don’t exchange chilies hand-to-hand and if you do you’ll end up quarreling. (हरियो खुर्सानी हातमा दिए बाँच्नुपर्छ।)
  14. Eating chilies boastas your memory power. (धेरै पिरो खनेको सम्झने शक्ति बढी हुन्छ।)
  15. Those with pointing tongue will be good in studying. (चुच्चो जिब्रो हुनेले धेरै पढ्छन्।)
  16. Three people shouldn’t get out of the house together. (घरबाट तीन जना एकै चोटि निस्किन हुदैन।)
  17. Three family members shouldn’t stay overnight at three different places on the same day. (एउटै परिवार मा एक रातमा तिन वास गर्नुहुन्न।)
  18. If you touch your nose while pooping, you’ll get a wound inside your nose. (दिसा बस्दा नाक छोए घाऊ आउँछ।)
  19. If you get a wound inside your nose, you should tease your nose by moving your index finger closer to it saying “should I touch you (chhuki-chhuki)” but make sure you bring the finger close to the nose but don’t touch the nose. (नाकमा घाऊ आए छुँ कि – छुँ कि गरे निको हुन्छ।)
  20. Sneezing when someone is going out is a bad omen. (कोही निस्कन लाग्दा हाच्छिउँ गरे अपसगुन हुन्छ।)
  21. You should touch water before you hold an infant baby after coming from outside. (बच्चा छुनु अघि पानी छुनुपर्दछ।)
  22. While making roti, you should never make a total of 8 or 12 of them. (रोटी बनौँदा कहिल्यै ८ / १२ पार्नुहुँदैन।)
  23. While making roti, you should take your last roti from the pan only after getting the pan out of the stove because taking an empty pan out of the stove is a bad sign. (रोटी बनाएर खाली ताऊ अगेनाबाट झिक्नु हुदैन, अन्तिम रोटी राखी राखी ताउ झिक्नुपर्छ।)
  24. If you stretch your shoulders while eating, the eaten food will be eaten by the ghost. (खाना खाँदा आंग् तान्यो भने खाको जति भुतले खान्छ।)
  25. Kids using brooms in the hoise indicates a guest coming. (बच्चा ले कुचो लगाए पाहुना आउँछन्।)
  26. Gently Spitting on clothes while rinsing them will help in making them cleaner. (थुक्दै साबुन लगायो भने लुगा सुकिलो हुन्छ।)
  27. If you eat in the dark, the ghost will be laying hands in front of you asking for food. (अँध्यारो मा खायो भने भुतले हात थाप्छ।)
  28. At midnight, ghosts will be dancing around the peepal tree. (मध्ये रातमा पिपलको रुख वरिपरी भुत नाच्छन्)
  29. If you hear someone calling your name in the midnight, you shouldn’t answer or else you’ll die. (मध्ये रातमा घर बहिरबाट तिम्रो नाम बोलाउदा जवाफ फर्काए मरिन्छ।)
  30. Hanging lemon and chilies on the door of your shop will keep your shop safe from people doing black magic. (पसलमा हरियो खुर्सानी र कागति झुन्ड्यायो भने व्यापारमा अरूको आँखा लाग्दैन।)
  31. You’ll get a headache if you kick a broom. (कुच्चोमा लात्ती लगाए टाउको दुख्छ।)
  32. You shouldn’t wear caps while eating. (खाना खादा टोपी लगाउनु हुदैन।)
  33. If you get hiccups then someone is remembering you. (कसैले सम्झियो भने बाडुली लाग्छ।)
  34. It rains in the wedding of those who have licked the serving spoon. (डाडु चाट्नेको बिहेमा पानी पर्छ।)
  35. Putting a small black spot of eyeliner on the baby’s cheek saves them from evil eyes. (बच्चाको गालामा गाजलको टिका लाइदिए आँखा लाग्दैन।)
  36. Putting off the changed dress without going out is a bad sign. (बहिर जान भनि लगाको लुगा बाहिरै नगई फुकालेर घरमै बस्नु हुदैन।)
  37. Once you leave the house for going out, you shouldn’t go back home right away. (घरबाट कतै जानभनी निस्केपछि तुरुन्तै फेरि घर पस्नु हुदैन।)


We’re planning to upgrade this list to top 50 Nepali Myths. So, if you know a popular myth that you think we shouldn’t have missed then please do share with us in the comment section below. And,  “thank you” in advance.