Happy Valentines Day In Nepali | Love Sms For Valentine

A day to cherish friendship, love and romance falls on 14th of February every year and is called as Valentine’s day. The trend of the celebration of love started in memory of romantic roman priest St. Valentine, who was martyred in 14th Feb. How he became a saint of a lover is still a mystery even though there is a number of stories. This day is celebrated showing gratitude to the loved ones for their support and expressing feelings for the people they adore. The way of celebration differs from place to place and one people to another. Some prefer going out for a romantic dinner in restaurants, some prefer candlelight dinner at home with family, sharing gifts, surprising partners with unexpected surprises, or even purposing for marriage or visiting a place that has significant meaning in life. They also express love among friends by celebrating going to parties, exchanging gifts and sharing chocolates.

Sometimes, Your loved ones might be very far from you. All you can do is send a sweet love message to share your compassion to him/her. Here are some good valentine day messages in Nepali.

Happy Valentines Day In Nepali | Nepali Love Sms For Valentine

म दुई कुरा मनपराउँछु: तपाईं र गुलाब। एक दिनको लागि गुलाब – र तपाई, सदाको लागि।

I adore two things: you and the rose. The rose for one day – and you, forever.

तपाईं मेरो प्यारी हुनुहुन्छ, तपाईं मेरो जीवन हुनुहुन्छ, तपाईं मेरो सबै चीज हुनुहुन्छ।

You are my sweetheart, you are my life, you are my everything.

म आज बिना कारण मुस्कुरै रएको थिए– अनि सम्झिए तिमी लाई पो सम्झी रह्एको थिए ।

Today I caught myself smiling for no reason – then I realized I was thinking about you.

यदी तिमी सए वर्शा बाचेउ भने म त्यो भन्दा एक दिन कम बाचु, म तिमी बाट एक पल टाढा हुन चाहन्न ।

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.

मैले धेरै कथाहरू पढेको छु र अनगिन्ती रोमांटिक फिल्महरू हेरेको छु तर हाम्रो माया नजिक सबै फिक्का लाग्छ । धन्यबाद मेरो आफ्नै सुमधुर कथा का लागि ।

I’ve read many stories and watched countless romantic movies but none come close to the love we share. Thank you for creating my very own fairytale.

शुभ वेलेंटाइन डे मेरो जीवनको सबैभन्दा विशेष व्यक्तिमा। तपाईं मेरो माया हो, मेरो हृदय र मेरो आनन्द।

Happy Valentine’s Day to the most special person in my life. You are my love, my heart, and my joy.

जसरि तल्चा मिल्ने सचो नभै खुल्देइन, त्यसरी नै तिमी मेरो जीवन म आएउ मेरो दिल को साचो लिएर । हाम्रो माया भग्वान ले नै लेख्नु वएको हो

Locks are never made without a matching key. Luckily for me, you came into this world with the key that unlocks my heart. It’s safe to say that we’re meant to be.

मैले जीवन म कुनै काम सही गरेको छु भने त्यो हो तिमीलाई मेरो माया मा पार्नु । धन्यबाद एती धेरै माया को लागि । ह्यप्पी भ्यलेन्टाइन ।

If there is one thing that I’ve done right in my life it’s making you fall in love with me! Thank you for being so amazing.

बगेको पानीको कुनै आकार हुने भए ।
देखेको सपना सबै साकार हुने भए ।।
सायद म पनि धनी भै सक्थे होला…
यदी तिम्रो याद हरुको व्यापार हुने भए । (Prazeena Bhandari)

न त गर्छौ बिश्वास, न आफ्नो ठान्याछौ,
न बोल्छौ खुलेर, न मनको कुरा जान्याछौ,
पक्कै पनि उ जुनिमा तिमी, मेरै मान्छे हुनुपर्छ
र त चुम्बकले फलाम ताने झैं तान्याछौ. (
Nabina Khanal Gautam)

Happy Valentine’s Day in Nepali : प्रणय दिवसको शुभकामना

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