Buddha Story In Nepali | Gautam Buddha Biography Nepali

The Life Of Gautam Buddha Begins In a place called Kapilbasthu Lumbini (Nepal) In the year 624 BC. He was born as a prince to King Suddhodana and Queen Mahamaya. Although born a prince, he realized that conditioned experiences could not provide lasting happiness or protection from suffering So, he set out to find his own path to find the truth about Life. Click Here For  full Gautam Buddha story In English

Also Read: Gautam Buddha Quotes In Nepali

Gautam Buddha Story In Nepali | Buddha Biography Nepali

गौतम बुद्ध को जीवन आज भन्दा २६०० बर्ष पहिले लुम्बिनी मा राजा सुद्धोधन र रानी महमाहेक सुपुत्र रुपमा राजकुमार सिद्धार्थको जन्म सँगइ सुरु भयो ।
सिद्धार्थ राज परिवर म जन्मिएका भए पनि उन ले सानै उमेर मा दरबार बाहिर भ्रम्र्ण गर्दा शारिरिक तत्वो ले कहिले पूर्ण सुख र दुख बाट पार गराउन सक्देइन भन्ने कुरा बुझे । तेसैले सुख खोजी का लागी दरबार को सुख त्यग गरी दरबार छाडेर हिडे । सत्यको खोजी गर्ने क्रम्मा उनि बोध गया भन्ने ठाउँमा पुगे र तेही रुख मुनी ध्यान गरेर बस्न थले ।

सिद्धार्थ को दिमाग शान्त र आनन्दित भयो । जती जती उनि ध्यान गर्देइ गए, त्यती त्यती उन को ध्यान र बिबेक बद्डेइ गयो । षन्त र स्वोक्छ मनस्थितिमा उन ले जीवन को सत्य खोजी गर्न थले । “जीवन मा दुख को कारण के हो ?”, ” कुन बातो बत्त हामी सदा सुख प्रप्त गर्न सक्छौ ?”, भनेए आफु ले आफैलाई सोधे । उन ले आफ्नो अन्तरआत्म, आफु भन्दा टाढा र आफ्नो देश्, बिश्व भन्दा टाढा सत्यलाई हेरे । त्यएस पस्चात , सुर्य, ग्रह्, तरहरु र बिश्वो म रहेका अन्य सबै बस्तु उन को ध्यान म आउन थले । एन ले साना कर्न देखी बिश्व मा रहेक थुला तर सबै आफ्नै अवस्था म घुमिरहेका थिए । सबै बढ्ने परिवर्तन हुने, नास हुने, पुर्न सुरुवात हुने, बढ्ने क्रम सबै देखे । सबै बस्तु परिवर्तन शिल थिए ।

जे हुन्छ त्यस को केहि कारण र परीनाम हुन्छ । एक कुराको हुनु अर्को कुरा सँग सम्ब्न्न्धित हुन्छ र त्यस्को हुनुले फेरी पृथिवी म भएक अन्य कुरा म प्रभाव गर्दछ ।

“Nothin happens without a cause, Every cause have effect on everything else.”

जति- जती उनि ध्यान गर्देइ गए, सत्य पत्ता लगाउँन दत्त चित्त भएर लागे । उन ले गहिरो सत्य आफु भित्रै रहेको कुरा पत्त लगाए । उन ले आफुबाट नै जीवन त जन्म, र मृतु को चक्र हो भन्ने कुरा बुझे र यो संसार म भएको गरेको बस्तुको जीवन चक्र नै एही हो भन्ने बुझे ।

“We are born, we live and we die not one time but again and again.”

उन ले जीवन्को अन्त अर्थत मृतु त केबल शरिरिक शरिर बाटको छुट्करा मात्र हो, हाम्रो आत्मा त सध अमर रहन्छ भन्ने कुरको सार बुझे । जब एक जीवन सकिन्छ अर्को जीवन को शुरुवात हुन्छ , एसेरी जीवन्- मरण को प्रकृया चली रहन्छ । कहिले हामी धनी हुन्चौ त कहिले गरीब , कहिले सुखी हुन्चौ त कहिले दुखी । जीवन यसरी नै परिवर्तन शिल रहन्छ । बेला बखत मा सुख को भोग गरेत पनि धेरै जसो अवस्थामा हामी समस्या मा अल्झी रहेका हुन्छउ । हाम्रो अवस्था को परिवर्तन सँगइ हाम्रो सम्ब्न्ध पनि परिवर्तन भैरहेको हुन्छ । हामी कुनै न कुनै जन्म मा कसै न कसैको आफ्न्त , साथि, आमा, बुवा, भएक छौ । उन ले पुन्: जन्म र आत्मको अस्तित्वो रहने कुरा पनि गरेका छन ।

संसारमा रहेक जीवन हरुम हेर्दा उन ले जिवित प्रणिहरुले आफ्नो जीवन म आफैले समस्या खडा गरेको देखे । मान्छेहरु आफ्नो वरिपरी भएको परिवर्तन भुज्न र देख्न चाहदेइन थिए । उनिहरु झुतो बोल्ने चोरी गरी आफ्नो स्वर्थ पुर्ती गर्न एक्- अर्का लाई मार्न समेत पछडी नहट्ने जस्ता अशान्त काम हरु गरिरहन्छन जुन कुराले कहिल्लेइ साचो सुख प्रप्त हुदेइन| उनिहरुले खोजेको सुख भौतिक बस्तु हरु बाट प्रप्त हुन सक्देइन । जती लोभ , मोह हुन्छ त्य्त्ती नै दुख प्रप्त गर्छन , आफुलाई हानी हुन्छ । जती आफुलाई हानी हुन्छ त्यती त्यो काम को कारणले एक्- अर्का लाई हानी हुन पुग्छ । हरेक हानिकारक कुरा ले आर्को हानी निम्ताउछ र दुख बृद्धी हुन्छ । उनिहरु सुख को खोजी गर्दा गर्देइ पनि सुख कहिल्लेइ प्रप्त गर्न सक्देइनन , पाउछन त केबल दुख ।

अन्त्य मा सिद्धार्थ ले सबै दुख को हल निकले उन मा एक प्रकार को चमक र ज्योती छाएको थियो । उनि अब साधारण ब्य्क्ती थिएनन । उन को मुहर मा शान्त र मन्द मुस्कान छाएको थियो । भनिन्छ मध्य दिउसो को चारको घाम मा सिद्धार्थले आकश मा हेरे आनी बिहानि को तार देखे । उनि मा आनौठो आभास भयो, सारा जगात लाई भुज्न सक्ने भए उनि । उन ले आफ्नो आत्मा पुरा शृस्टि, घ्र्ह्, बोश्व्, संसार सम्पूर्ण देखे । संसार को अस्तित्व बुझे, हामी यो संसारमा हुनुको कारण र कस ले हामी लाई बनयो आदी सबै कुरा बुझे ।

अन्तत उन ले बुद्द्त्त प्रप्त गरे, उन ले प्रप्त गरेको ज्ञान र कर्म का सिद्धान्त नै बुद्द्त्त हो । एही ज्ञान नै पछी गएर बुद्ध धर्मको रुप मा प्रचलन मा आयो । यसरी उनि सिद्धार्थ बाट सिद्धार्थ गौतम हुन पुगे । र बुद्ध , ज्ञानी , अध्यत्मिक र सत्यबढी भए । ६ बर्ष पहिले देखी को खोज को अन्त्य भयो । यो दिन पुर्णिमा को रात थियो जुन दिन उन ले बुद्द्त्त प्रप्त गरे । चन्द्रमा को चम्किलो ज्योती ले पुरै गाउ लाई ढकेको थियो , त्यस बैशाख पुर्णिमको दिन ।

यही दिन लाई पुन स्मरण गर्देइ हरेक बर्ष बैशाख पुर्णिमा को दिन बुद्ध जयन्ती मनाइन्छ ।

बुद्धका ८ सिद्धन्तहरु | 8  principles of gautam Buddha

Right View– As per Buddhism death is not the end. Your view on anything will have consequences after death also. So always have a right view.
Right, Resolve– Sacrificing your family and home and accepting the life of a religious mendicant, will lead to a peaceful life with no ill-will, hatred, jealousy, cruelty, etc.
Right Speech– Gautama Buddha believed right speech is a necessity of life. Always speak the truth. Never speak rudely. Be polite always.
Right, Conduct – Right conduct implies no killing or harming anybody, no cheating, and no sexual acts.
Right Livelihood– Only use what is needed. Never waste anything. Try to donate everything you don’t need.
Right Effort– control against sensual thoughts, doubts, drowsiness, restlessness and ill will of any kind.
Right Mindfulness– This implies never to be absent-minded and always conscious about what you are doing.
Right Samadhi -This implies practicing four stages of meditation (dhyana) for the unification of mind.

Gautam Buddha Story In English

The Life Of Gautam Buddha Begins In a place called Kapilbasthu Lumbini (Nepal) In the year 624 BC. He was born as a prince to King Suddhodhana and Queen Mahamaya. At the age of sixteen after finishing his education he married princess Yasodara. His Father King Suddhodhana  Handed his kingdom to Siddhartha. Siddhartha and Yasodhara Had a baby named Rahula.

Suddenly, at age 29, he was confronted with suffering. On a rare outing from his luxurious palace, he saw someone desperately sick. The next day, he saw a decrepit old man, and finally a dead person. He was very sad that sickness, aging, and death will come to everyone he cared.

The next morning the prince walked past a meditator who sat in deep absorption. When their eyes met and their minds linked, Siddhartha stopped, mesmerized. In a flash, he realized that the perfection he had been seeking outside must be within the mind itself. Meeting that man gave the future Buddha a first and enticing taste of mind, a true and lasting refuge, which he knew he had to experience himself for the good of all.

Siddhartha decided to give up his palace life. He left his kingdom and traveled around looking for teachers to discover the reality of life and nature.

But their teachings didn’t satisfy him so he set out his own path. Six years later he went to Bodhgaya near the Niranjana River and sat under a tree. Siddhartha’s mind was calm and relaxed. As he sat his concentration deepened and his wisdom grew brighter. In this clear and peaceful state of mind, he began to examine the true nature of life. “What is the cause of suffering,” he asked himself, “and what is the path to everlasting joy?” In his mind’s eye he looked far beyond his own country, far beyond his own world.

Soon the sun, planets, the stars out in space and distant galaxies of the universe all appeared to him in his meditation. He saw how everything, from the smallest speck of dust to the largest star, was linked together in a constantly changing pattern: growing, decaying and growing again. Everything was related. Nothing happened without a cause and every cause had an effect on everything else. As he realized this, deeper truths appeared to his mind. He looked deeply into himself and discovered that his life as Siddhartha the Prince was but the latest in a series of lifetimes that had no beginning – and that the same was true of everyone. We are born, live and die not one time, but again and again. He saw that death is only the separation of the mind from its present body. After death, the importance of Karma is central to the next journey.

When one life ends, another begins – and in this way, the wheel of death and birth keeps spinning around and around. He also saw one life to the next we are constantly changing and constantly affecting one another. Sometimes we are rich and comfortable; sometimes we are poor and miserable. Occasionally we experience pleasure, but more often we find ourselves with problems. And Siddhartha also saw that as our conditions change, so do our relations with others. We have all been each other’s friend and enemy, mother and father, son and daughter thousands upon thousands of times in the past. Then he looked at all of the sufferings in the world. And he saw how living beings create their own misery and joy. Blind to the truth that everything is always changing, they lie, steal and even kill to get the things that they want, even though these things can never give them the lasting happiness they desire. And the more their minds fill with greed and hate, the more they harm each other – and themselves! Each harmful action leads them to more and more unhappiness. They are searching for peace yet find nothing but pain. Finally, he discovered the way to end all this suffering. He was filled with radiant clear light. He was no longer an ordinary person. With a calm and peaceful smile, he arose from his meditation. In the golden daybreak, so it is said, Siddhartha looked up and saw the morning star. And then a great understanding came to him. He saw in his mind all the life of the world and the planets; of all the past and all the future. He understood the meaning of existence, of why we are here on this earth and what has created us. At long last he found the truth; he attained enlightenment and established the principles of Karma. Now he was the Lord Buddha, the fully liberated one, awakened and enlightened. The search of six long years had ended. It was a day when the full moon shone, casting a bright silver light on the whole countryside, a day in the month of Vesak (May).