The Hidden Treasure has announced dates for Miss Nepal 2019. Miss Nepal is a National pageant competition from which four contestants will be chosen to represent Nepal in...
Nepal’s most successful Television reality show Nepal Idol’s Season 2 was premiered on AP1 television from 9th August 2018. The show time for the show is ...
Season 2 of Nepali Roadies is finally here. Enjoy watching all episodes along with behind the scenes from each of Himalaya roadies season 2 wild west....
From the very first Nepali movie “Satya Harishchandra” to present days, hundreds of movies have been made. The quality of new Nepali movie is setting the...
Hip-Hop, the art movement was developed in the United States during late 1970’s by inner-city African Americans. It consists of the rhythmic spoken delivery of rhymes...
Best old Nepali movies: Hundreds of film release every year in Nepali film industry but only a few of them will be able to set a...
Culture is part of our life. And culture is reflected in different forms such as our way of living, festivals, rituals. Lok Dohari is an expression...
From the very first Nepali movie “Satya Harishchandra” to present days, hundreds of movies have been made. The quality of new Nepali movie is setting the...
According to science, Laughter has many health benefits. If you don’t know about them, we’d like to tell you a few. Laughing reduces your blood pressures,...
Nepal Idol Season 2 Season 2 of Nepal’s most successful Television reality show Nepal Idol Will premiere on AP1 television from 9th August 2018. The show...
Just like the Nepali Movies, Nepali TV serials have got mentionable upgrades as well. But, many of the Nepalese still prefer Hindi Family Drama over Nepali...